The Perseverance Podcast
We will explore the depths of pain, and struggle from people of all walks of life. While we do have a military focus at times our true concern and topic is the mindset that it takes to push through. While embracing the obstacles that have been set before you, instead of using them as an excuse to fail. We will also focus on non-pharma healing, and promote whole health, mind, body, and spirit, as well as alternative treatments.
The Perseverance Podcast
OO5 April Richardson
Season 1
Episode 5
April hails from Lanesville, Indiana.
She is a Certified Registered Nurse, Athletic Trainer, and Forensic Nurse Examiner. During her life April has overcame learning disabilties, mental illness, sexual assualt, addiction and is continuning to fight an acoustic neuroma brain tumor. All while completing her three degrees and numerous certifications. April spends her free time with her fiance' JD, and their two dogs. She enjoys reading, cooking and spending time outdoors, especially hoining her firearm marksmanship.